November 30, 2020 – Executive Council Meeting

Washington-Baltimore News Guild

Executive Council Meeting Minutes

Date of Meeting: November 30, 2020

Present: Elise Bryant, Peter Brusoe, Carl Charles, Hau Chu, Ben Cooper, David DeJesus, Jazmin Gargoum, Joel Gratz, Don Griesheimer, Mark Gruenberg, Fatima Hussein, Tom Jackman, Marissa Lang, Tamara McCalla, Justin Moyer, Sam Nelson, Bill O’Meara, Mark Pattison, Jeremy Sprinkle, Michelle Wang, Emily Woodall

Excused: Steve Cook, Freddy Kunkle, Katie Mettler

Staff & Guests: Rick Ehrmann, Cet Parks, Paul Reilly

Meeting called to order at 7:42 PM

I.  Minutes

October 21, 2020 – Peter Brusoe motioned to approve minutes and seconded by Jazmin Gargoum. Motion Passed.

II.  Membership Report

October 20, 2020 – November 30, 2020. Peter Brusoe motioned to approve and seconded by Emily Woodall. Motion Passed.

III.  Executive Director’s Report & Staff

Cet Parks

Advancement Project – Cet Parks requested approval of bargaining committee (Jessica Alcantara, Carolyn Cowen Nissen, Jess Unger and Cet Parks). Peter Brusoe motioned to approve and seconded by Don Griesheimer. Motion Passed.

Alliance of Healthcare Unions – Cet Parks requested approval for bargaining team (Jessica Butz, John Tiller, Christina Cow, Cet Parks). Mark Gruenberg motioned to approve and seconded by Peter Brusoe. Motion Passed.

Duke University Press[Redacted]. Jeremy Sprinkle motioned to approve, seconded by Mark Gruenberg. Motion Passed.

American Immigration Council[Redacted]. Peter Brusoe motioned to approve and seconded by Emily Woodall. Motion Passed.

Rick Ehrmann

Metropolitan Washington Council – Rick Ehrmann requested approval of bargaining team (Chris Garlock, David Stephen, Rick Ehrmann). Peter Brusoe motioned to approve, seconded by Don Griesheimer. Motion Passed.

Paul Reilly

American Prospect – Paul Reilly requested approval of approval of new three-year contract. Peter Brusoe motioned to approve and seconded by Marc Pattison. Motion Passed.

Catholic News Service – Paul Reilly requested approval of CNS TA/one-year contract extension. Mark Pattison motioned to approve, seconded by Don Griesheimer. Motion Passed.

Island Packet – Paul Reilly requested approval of bargaining team (Lucas Smolcic Larson, Katie Kokal, Paul Reilly). Peter Brusoe motioned to approve, seconded by Mark Gruenberg. Motion Passed.

Eric Geist

No action items.

Bruce Jett

Planned Parenthood of Pennsylvania[Redacted]. Peter Brusoe motioned for approval, seconded by Emily Woodall. Motion Passed.

IV.  Financials

September 2020 Summary of Financial Highlights

Cet Parks presented a summary of financial highlights for the period ending September 30, 2020 and requested board approval. Don Griesheimer motioned to approve and seconded by Jazmin Gargoum. Motion Passed.

Bob Paul Invoices

No action required.


Peter Brusoe motioned for approval, seconded by Emily Woodall. Motion Passed.

V.  Old Business

Strategic Planning Committee

Justin Moyer provided update and requested extending the report to EC in January 2021.

Conflict of Interest Policies

Peter Brusoe – after review with Bob Paul the COI Policy was presented with revised language, for EC approval. Peter Brusoe motioned to approve the amended COI policy, and was seconded by Fatima Hussein. After additional discussion the Motioned Passed.

VI.  New Business

Indigenous Peoples Day Draft Resolution

Peter Brusoe motions to remove any reference to “Columbus Day” from the EC’s governing documents, contracts and other obligations of the Baltimore Washington News Guild in favor of “The Federal Holiday on the 2nd Monday of October. Emily Woodall asks that we refer to renaming as Indigenous Peoples Day as a friendly amendment, which was accepted by the mover.

The motion reads “…as a governing document for contracts without employees and other obligations of the Baltimore News Guild for Indigenous Peoples Day on the second Monday of October.” After further discussion, the Motion Passed.

Diversity & Inclusion Draft Resolution

Peter Brusoe motioned to direct the Executive Director to cause a workshop to be done on diversity and inclusion for all employees and to be offered to EC members. The motion was seconded by Mark Gruenberg. The Motion Passed.

Rooney Rules Draft Resolution

Peter Brusoe motioned to direct the EC President to create a taskforce to examine if having a Rooney Rule is a best practice for the local, and requests a draft proposal for Rooney Rule hiring, having a requirement on sourcing of contracts to include a minimum threshold of minority or women owned business and enterprises as a best practice, to ensure the local’s commitment to diversity and inclusion. The motion was seconded by Mark Gruenberg. The Motion Passed.

VII.  Good & Welfare

Scott Reynolds

In honor of Scott Reynolds, Peter Brusoe motions to allocate $250 contribution to the Scott Reynolds Political Action Award, seconded by Mark Pattison. Motion Passed.

VIII.  Adjournment

Peter Brusoe motioned to adjourn and was seconded. Meeting adjourned at 9:13 PM.