September 26, 2020 – Executive Council Meeting

Washington-Baltimore News Guild
Executive Council Meeting Minutes
Date of Meeting: September 26, 2020

Present: Elise Bryant, Peter Brusoe, Carl Charles, Steve Cook, David DeJesus, Tim Fitzgerald,
Jazmin Gargoum, Joel Gratz, Don Griesheimer, Fatima Hussein, Tom Jackman, Tamara McCalla,
Katie Mettler, Justin Moyer, Sam Nelson, Mark Pattison, Jeremy Sprinkle, Michelle Wang, Emily

Excused: Marissa Lang

Staff & Guests: Rick Ehrmann, Eric Geist, Cet Parks, Paul Reilly, Dina Kastner (NASW)

Meeting was called to order at 11:48 AM

I. Minutes

August 19, 2020 Minutes – Peter Brusoe motioned to approve minutes and seconded by
Sam Nelson. Motion Passed.

September 16, 2020 Board Poll (Strategic Committee) – The Sept. 16 Strategic
Committee Board Poll did not pass due to lack of quorum.

II. Membership Report

August 19 – September 25, 2020. Don Griesheimer motioned to approve and seconded
Peter Brusoe. Motion Passed.

III. Executive Director’s Report & Staff

Cet Parks

FL AFL-CIO – Cet Parks requested discretionary authority to arbitrate or file a ULP
regarding the Mike Stovall termination, for improperly seeking out Covid-19 test before
returning to work. Peter Brusoe motioned to approve request for arbitration, seconded by
Peter Brusoe. Motion Passed.

The State – TNG – [Redacted] The State
newspaper in Columbia, SC (a McClatchy Publication) with 37 employees. The State is
a sister publication to The Island Packet News in SC w[Redacted]. Mark Gruenberg motioned to approve the [Redacted] The State,
seconded by Peter Brusoe. After further discussion (Joel Gratz TNG funding cuts) the
Motion Passed.

Verso – Cet Parks requested retroactive authority to organize Verso, a book publishing
company headquartered in London and with offices in Brooklyn, NY. Jeremy Sprinkle
motioned to approve, and the motion was seconded by Peter Brusoe. After further
discussion (Bill O’Meara, Peter Brusoe, Don Griesheimer concerns on unit size and NY
location, Mark Gruenberg on bargaining logistics/UK parent). Motion Passed.

MassLive – [Redacted]. Peter Brusoe motioned to approve, and the motion was seconded by Mark
Gruenberg. After further discussion the Motion Passed.

Rick Ehrmann

In These Times – Rick Ehrmann requests approval of bargaining committee members
Jamie Hendry, Hamilton Nolan and Miles Lawson. Don Griesheimer motioned to
approve and seconded by Bill O’ Meara. Motion Passed.

NASW – Dina Kastner is asking for council approval to repurpose its approved $200
monthly luncheon budget for membership meetings which is going unused due to Covid19.
The unit wants to donate the funds to the Capital Area Food Bank. The amount to
date is $1,200 (6 months).

Mark Pattison motioned to approve the NASW $1,200 donation, representing six months
of unused lunches, to the Capital area Food Bank. The motion was seconded by Jeremy
Sprinkle. Mark Gruenberg offered a friendly amendment to continue the monthly
donations for the duration of the Covid-19 pandemic, which was accepted by Mark
Pattison and Dina Kastner. After further discussions, Mark Gruenberg withdraws his
friendly amendment. After a roll call vote the Motion Failed.

Paul Reilly

American Prospect – Paul Reilly requested approval of JWJ bargaining team Alex
Sammon, Marcia Brown and Brittany Gibson. Jeremy Sprinkle motioned to approve and
seconded by Bill O’Meara. Motion Passed.

Eric Geist

No action items.

Bruce Jett

Broward County Legal Services (Miami, FL) – [Redacted]. [Redacted] effort, seconded by Carl Charles. After further discussion the
motion was voted on and the Motion Passed.

IV. Financials

Strategic Finance Committee

Justin Moyer requested to postpone this committee to February 2021 due to upcoming
election cycle. Joel Gratz mentions that the original motion was attached to a timeline for
a completed plan and that instead of postponing, to consider a new timeline.
• Justin Moyer motioned to move the appointment of the four EC members to the strategic
committee to the March 2021 membership meeting. Motion was seconded by Peter
Brusoe. Motion Failed to Pass.

Joel Gratz motioned to reintroduce the board poll motion from September 16, 2020 to
nominate the following EC members and the four EC officers to serve on the strategic
committee to determine the Local’s financial future: Lillyanne Daigle, Don Griesheimer.
Motion Passed.

Bill O’Meara points out that because we are now organizing in Massachusetts, New York
and Florida, that we consider putting in a SIF or Growth Fund request to obtain resources
to execute those organizing projects to relieve financial pressures due to our deficit.
July 2020 Summary of Financial Highlights

Cet Parks presented a summary of financial highlights for the period ending July 31,
2020 (ten months into the FY) and requested approval. Peter Brusoe motioned to
approve the July 2020 Financial Report, seconded Mark Pattison. Motion Passed.

Bob Paul Invoices

No action items.

V. Old Business

Action Network

No action needed and discussions will move to October 2020 EC Meeting.

Reschedule of November Membership Meeting

President Steve Cook discussed moving the previously scheduled November 18, 2020
General Membership/EC Meeting to November 30, 2020 (7 PM) to accommodate the
upcoming election timetable. Elise Bryant motioned to approve the date change and was
seconded by Peter Brusoe. Motion Passed.

PAI Union News Service

Mark Gruenberg motioned to approve the subscription cost to the PAI Union Newsletter
and seconded by Bill O’ Meara. After further discussion a roll call vote was taken. Motion Failed.

VI. New Business

ERC Appointments

The current three appointed ERC members are disqualified because they are candidates in
the upcoming election. Fatima Hussein motioned to nominate Tammy Madison, Neela
Taub and Mallory Brangan, seconded by Carl Charles. Joel Gratz requested to substitute
Luke Canfora to replace Tammy Madison as one of the three seats on the committee.

Fatima Hussein (on Carl Charles recommendation) withdrew her original motion and
motioned to nominate Tammy Madison, Mallory Brangan and Luke Canfora to the ERC.
Peter Brusoe seconded the motion. After further question Bill O’ Meara called the
question, and since there were no other members seeking recognition, the motion to call
the question was withdrawn. Motion Passed.

Scott Reynolds Reimbursement

Cet Parks speaks to Scott Reynolds reimbursement of fees associated with registering as
a delegate for the Virginia AFL-CIO conference meeting (approximately $100). Joel
Gratz motioned to approve repayment of registration fee, seconded by Bill O’ Meara.
Bill O’ Meara offered a friendly amendment to reimburse up to $100 which was accepted
by Joel Gratz.

Peter Brusoe motioned to table the discussion until next meeting. A vote was taken and
the Motion Passed.

VII. Good & Welfare

No action items.

VIII. Personnel Caucus

No action items.

IX. Adjournment

Peter Brusoe motioned to adjourn and was seconded. Meeting adjourned at 2:13 PM.